Maderotherapy education Bali


Learn Maderotherapy and become Madero Expert on paradise island Bali. Become a part of the Academy that creates professionals! Training from the European Madero Association EMA For any additional information and applications, please contact the EMA Madero Center in Bali:

Maderotherapie schulung Germany

maderotherapie germany

Melden Sie sich für die Maderotherapie-Ausbildung in Stuttgart an und werden Sie EMA-zertifizierter Madero-Therapeut. Lernen Sie eine einzigartige und originelle Methode der Maderotherapie. Bei unserer Schulung erhalten Sie umfassendes Wissen, zertifizierte Madero-Elemente und Zugang zur Online-Kursplattform zur Unterstützung Ihrer weiteren Fortbildung. Die Techniken und Kurse entsprechen den höchsten Anforderungen der Gründer der Europäischen Madero Asociacion. […]

Maderotherapy Education United Kingdom

maderotherapy london

Learn a unique and original technique of Maderotherapy. In our education, you will receive comprehensive knowledge, certified Madero elements, and access to the online course platform to support your further development. The techniques and courses are standardized according to the highest requirements of the founders of the European Madero Association.

International Massage Championship

International Massage Championship

Proudly presenting the European Madero Association (EMA) as the sponsor of the Bodyshape category at the International Massage Competition. EMA, a leader in Maderotherapy, recognizes the importance of supporting professionals in the massage and wellness industry worldwide. With its strong commitment to advancing techniques and standards in massage, EMA has chosen to support this prestigious […]

Madérothérapie Formation France

Madérothérapie Formation France

Apprenez une technique unique et originale de la Maderothérapie. Lors de notre formation, vous obtiendrez des connaissances approfondies, des éléments Madero certifiés et un accès à la plateforme de cours en ligne pour soutenir votre développement ultérieur. Les techniques et cours sont normalisés selon les normes les plus élevées des fondateurs de l’Association européenne de […]

International massage festival

L'international Massage Festival

Torna a Cagliari l’International Massage Festival in Sardinia nella sua seconda edizione con tante novità, dalla location al format. Casa AMI è lieta di aprire le sue porte a docenti e allievi provenienti da diverse parti del mondo, per condividere insieme la passione del massaggio attraverso dei workshop e corsi di formazione all’interno di un […]

Maderotherapy Education Netherlands

maderotherapy netherlands

Learn a unique and original technique of Maderotherapy. In our education, you will receive comprehensive knowledge, certified Madero elements, and access to the online course platform to support your further development. The techniques and courses are standardized according to the highest requirements of the founders of the European Madero Association.


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Cours en ligne Madero
Vous apprendrez:

La technique originale
de la Maderothérapie EMA

Utilisation appropriée
des éléments Madero

Partie théorique et pratique
de chaque technique

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